And so they will lose.

Trump’s encouraging of people to storm the Capitol did more to lock up right wing militants than anything since like the Oklahoma City bombing. think-about-it

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    He is a deep state shill. Maybe not the one they expected to have, but the one they ended up with anyway.

    Every POTUS being one aside, the telltale sign was when he made a big show being macho and hawkish on twitter or rally or interview, then suddenly a couple hours later he releases a video of him calmly and carefully repeating a script with full punctuation and grammar saying the complete opposite of his previous statements with no jokes or insults.

  • Justice
    9 months ago

    I fucking wish Trump gave 1% of a shit about the actual deep state and not whatever the fuck he’s always getting at. Like Brenda in the pentagon who says “happy holidays.” She’s gotta go. But some unholy resurrection of Donald Rumsfeld being cooked up? That’s fine.

    Before he won in 2016 I remember him talking crazy shit on the Saudis and how when he won America would no longer suck up to these guys. Ok, sounds good to me.

    His first trip to Saudi Arabia as president he’s practically sucking their toes and begging them to keep OPEC oil prices stable. That should’ve broken off anyone, in his base or on the outside with some naive hope, from believing his claims of actually shaking things up that matter. Another big event was him carrying out the same type of drone attacks and such as Obama had done. The only thing he did “against the deep state” was trying to re-open diplomacy with DPRK, but that got axed quickly and now Biden hasn’t said a peep about it.

    Trump talked a lot of shit and in some cases had appropriate conclusions even if his analysis was dogshit (like what to do with the Saudis) but in the end he’s just another cuck to the deep state. Sad. Imagine supporting the guy who got cucked by lifelong ghouls like John Bolton. Trump should’ve sent Bolton’s ass to Iran as a present. That would’ve been so cool and funny.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    9 months ago

    A Good, Patriotic Christian is the only kind of American the Deep State TRULY fears. That’s why the Cult of Thoth, acting within the NSA and the CIA, launched a false flag operation to subvert the will of these good patriots, to pull the wool over their eyes and render the threat inert. They chose the least patriotic, most sinful actor in The Hollywood Media to act as a false prophet, to lead good Christian Americans astray. Every time you compare him to GOOD GENUINE Americans like Ronald Regan or Jesus Christ, the Deep State is laughing at you!!! Don’t be fooled!!! Donald Trump is The Swamp!!!

    Genuinely, though, as long as liberals act like trump is the end of the world, conservatives will love him. That’s basically the only requirement they have of their figures.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    Trump’s 2016 #1 briber, Renaissance Technologies, was Clinton’s #3.

    They also gave millions to John Bolton’s personal SuperPac.

    The DNC/Clinton had a strategy of specifically using their media assets and contscts to boost Trump to viability via Pied Piper strategy

    Trump tore up all these treaties of restraint that was made to prevent another arms race with Russia.

    Trump was such a massive slave to isntrael they named settlements after him. .

    9 months ago

    Trump supporters don’t really give a shit what he does. It’s how he does it, which is honestly the same way liberals view Trump. Trumpers feel represented by him. He’s like their avatar. As long as he’s pissing off their enemies, they don’t care much how he does it. What really sucks about this, is it’s really hard to see how the political situation improves from here, except that if Trump actually kicks the bucket, a bunch of these people will drop out of political engagement entirely.

    9 months ago

    Oklahoma City got one person arrested right? Just Mcveigh. Despite involving way more people than him obviously. Kinda had to be limited lest anyone spill the beans.

    9 months ago

    Nah, they’ll never abandon him. Conservatives are super susceptible to propaganda but only if it confirms their existing biases. And he himself, as a person, has become a core part of their identity. They’ll never turn on him.

    The way to beat trump is to have a high turnout. When that happens republicans lose. It sucks to have to hold your nose and vote for a milquetoast octogenarian, but maybe one day we’ll be able to vote for people who represent us instead of people who simply aren’t fascists.

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      9 months ago

      instead of people who simply aren’t fascists

      call it what it really is; the lesser of two fascists. Joe Biden’s administration has more in common with Donald Trump’s administration than in difference. The Trump White House was more similar to Obama’s than different. Obama was a rubber stamp on everything Bush did. This is the US constitution working as intended; keeping wage laborers and “rude mechanics” as far away from genuine representation as possible, with a gossamer veil of democracy.

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      maybe one day we’ll be able to vote for people who represent us instead of people who simply aren’t fascists

      That day is not ever coming to the US. Not until capitalism is overthrown. And that will probably happen in the US last