Is there any set of circumstances where dems would ever take meaningful, organized action against The Party?

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    And thus you are coopted into the system and all your good intentions are funneled into fighting against yourself and the people trying to build the alternative.

    A series of faux-wonk stratagems, mostly about nonexistent rules or norms or Kabuki about Blue Dogs or whatever, that are intended to make the audience feel very smart and informed but are actually just PR firm-approved talking points that have been used for 50 years to keep you compliant and money flowing to and from the right people, genociding the “right” people, putting the “right” people’s children in slavery and picking through garbage.

    At some point you should notice the pattern and read a little more deeply than bullshit liberal talking points.

    Anyways it’s clear you prefer Reddit brain debate so let’s try that. Surely you’ll respond to that, right?

    If someone else is out there who can plausibly beat Trump I’m happy to support them

    I don’t care how you vote. It especially doesn’t matter for the presidency due to the electoral college and the fact that you are just one person. The point is to understand the nature of bourgeois electoralism and the fact that people have been buying this same line for 150+ years. You’re treating it like politics is just a team sport of voting. This is a limited view of the political landscape that is intentionally sold to you lest you begin organizing with your fellow common humans to make demands.

    It’s not one person’s failure though. Presidents have limited powers in our system.

    Cool then why are you pissing yourself over Trump? You are maintaining an absurd contradiction by eating up partisan nonsense: presidents are weak babies that can’t do anything when they’re a Democrat and are dictatorial Hitlers out to take absolute power when Republican.

    What would you have him do next that the Republicans and Centrists can’t counter?

    Issue sweeping executive orders and fight hard for them. Play hardball with the party he is the head of. Democrats actually show you exactly what they can do when they punch left, they just choose not to against their supposed right flank. In reality, they prefer to have that right flank and keep them just at the point of preventing action with plausible deniability so that they don’t need to run counter to their donors’ interests.

    You can’t imagine a Democratic leader fighting hard for their promises because you’re buying their feigned helplessness routine. But it’s not really hard to imagine, is it?

    I get the anger but unless that anger gets directed at something concrete to fix things, it’s screaming into the void.

    Your anger is directed into spending a bunch of time thinking about how helpless your folks are and trying to explain Civics 101 to a bunch of communists that know more than you about it because you have no idea what people on the left think. And into voting, apparently? Sounds like a self-description.

    We organize humans to implement on a more expansive definition of political action that includes workplace organizing, direct action, organizing parties and radical issue-focused groups, and occasionally socialist candidates for office.

    What do you do?

    Trump has a plan to implement authoritarianism in this country - conservatives run the courts and congress is impotent.

    This country is already authoritarian and it starts with the dictatorship of your workplace where you get to choose between following orders or risking homelessness. Liberals don’t even know what authoritarianism could mean beyond “a bad thing where the government orders bad things to happen” because, in terms of political sophistication, they are children with next to zero knowledge of history or world politics. To break out of this, they need to challenge the narratives handed down to them and begin reading histories and how the world functions.

    If he gets in, we will see a major attempt at right wing authoritarianism in this country that we’ve never seen before. Unless people are willing to tear down the system, and all I can tell - the will isn’t there on the left, we need to do more than crucifying a president who did a lot more for progressive causes than the last 50 years of presidents.

    Absolutely meaningless statements. Biden is an old-school Dem reactionary who made a name for himself by supporting credit card company interests and segregation, then writing the crime bill. He used his position of power in the Senate to launder a case for war on Iraq following the civilian-targeted sanctions the decade prior, helping to wipe out millions of Iraqis. As President he has primarily pulled back social spending, allowed Roe v. Wade to fall without even attempting any kind of fight (Dems want to use it to whip votes like yours), busted the rail strike, continued the full-pressure campaigns to stoke war in Ukraine and genocide in Yemen and Gaza, continued and escalated Trump’s provocative policies towards China and Iran, and is even helping build more border wall while continuing large-scale internment and deportation policies, including against refugees. Biden is a right wing reactionary that the party tells you is “progressive” (whatever that means. Respect yourself and don’t let them manipulate you like that.

    Incidentally, while trying to do the Very Smart lib thing in being strategic by always carrying water for the people that fuck us over and pretend they can’t do anything good, consider thinking past a single election cycle. When all you’re offered is dogshit and you cheerlead for it, don’t be surprised when the people who expect promised things to happen to withdraw their support and consent for you and yours, because they are the people with consistent and reasonable expectations and a far better political strategy. You’re actually helping to build the conditions for full-throated fascism by ensuring that the only “opposition” will be one that is easily disposed of and becomes nearly unsupportable by the rest of the population. Joe Biden is the epitome of this and folks hate him. Ask yourself why you’re trying to convince them to stop demanding something better. Ask yourself what happens the next election, and the one after that, and the one after that, if you’re always backsliding and making excuses for material degradation of people’s lives.

    I am pissed too, but this meme is just a bad take.

    Who are you pissed at?