We’ll exceptionally take a break from reading the Scriptures today.

There’s something very important in my(our) relation with God, these are signs, i’ve seen many of them and have since stopped asking for them.

This one happened a few days ago(, i only realised it yesterday).
First of all, it is necessary for me to explain that a.f.a.i.k. i’ve never touched this broken branch in my life, i swear by God, by every Idea(l) i (will )ever h’o/e’ld sacred/important, that i have no memory of ever touching this, and that i’m obviously not expressing myself in an occult/obscure double language that needs some context to be interpreted, i swear that what i’m saying is the literal truth.
You may ask yourself why miracles/signs don’t happen to you, i’m sure they do but would you even notice ?
And if you ask me in a year to list you all the signs i ever had, i’ll probably forget this one.

As i said, we won’t read scriptures today, but i want to add another sign/miracle that happened to me ten years ago. Before that, it’s not useless to see if there’s a rational explanation :

  • Someone( apparently without bad intents,) could have pranked me, even if it’s the most rational option it doesn’t make much sense, they’d have to come during the night, i don’t get it(, furthermore, i’m sure that they could have found an even better shape if they wanted to trick me, it’s the only option but it still doesn’t make sense).
  • There’s been kind of a lot of wind and rain for the last week or so, but it’s hard to envision this branch ending up at my feet(, it couldn’t have been at my head or on my sides), however it’s hard to believe that it could have come from the right or left
  • It could have come from above

Aside from the perfect location, have a look at its shape. I know that you won’t take this argument into account, yet i had to speak about it.

I’ve had many signs, often numerical, but let me tell you something else(, i may be mistaken on some details(, written at that time somewhere), but i’m certain of what happened with the PUK codes) :
I’ve done the Camino de Santiago for two months in 2013, i’ve started at Bordeaux and met someone ~‘a month later’ in Spain, we realised that we started walking ~‘the same day’ from the same town.
We began to talk for some reasons, and ended up discovering this coincidence, he’s one of the person i’ve walked the longest with(, ~two weeks on these ~two months).
One day, after having walked all afternoon, we look at our phones, and realise that both of them were asking us our PUK code. I.d.k. if it works the same everywhere, but the PUK code is asked after three failed attempts at entering the PIN code.
I don’t remember a single instance in the past were my phone shut itself off in my pocket and then entered three wrong PIN codes. Not only did this happen to me, but to both of us, and not only during the same week but during the same afternoon !
Of course he mostly shrugged it off, and i continued asking for more signs(, as if it wasn’t enough, i needed a few more years before stopping to ask for more).

This entity controlling the laws of chance isn’t necessarily the same as the Creator though, but it could be.
And despite all these signs i still find myself hesitating to say “i know that such entity is here right now”, despite having a(nother) sign/miracle in front of me these past days.

In any case, and i.d.k. how to say this correctly enough, but God is Great, truly.