I thought it’d be helpful to have a weekly thread where we can recap our progress, struggles and concerns, or anything else that needn’t a dedicated thread. Go ahead and get whatever you need to say off your chest and keep working at it, comrades!

  • KvasiroftheWoodsOPM
    11 months ago

    For myself, things just keep getting better each and every day. I feel immense gratitude at not craving or desiring a drink whatsoever. I feel incredibly clear-headed and like myself for the first time in years. Alcohol really drained me of my passion and siphoned the joy from my soul. I’m meeting so many new and wonderful people, both in AA and out of it. It really is amazing to finally be able to connect with others.

    Not everything is always sunshine and roses though. I have my moments. I still miss my fiance a lot and still cry at least a time or two everyday. But it is much more manageable than when I was drinking. There’s also the issue of being around or exposed to repulsive ideas and personalities. This morning I went to what I thought was an AA meeting, but it was really just a evangelical Christian early morning bible group and I was smacked in the face with transphobia and homophobia, as well as “remember to vote, it matters, for those that need help we made a ‘cheat sheet’ with conservative candidates to vote for.”

    I noped out of there right then. It’s a blunt reminder of that these people are in the midst of us, intolerant, ignorant and mobilized against our fellow brothers and sisters. It made me sad, but I was also emboldened by the fact that I know that my fight has just begun anew and now I have tye clear head to face it head on

    Stay strong fellow comrades, we got this! 😊