Volcel police can’t arrest me, I have diplowlmatic immunity owl-pissed

I am sick of conservative weenies saying tattoos are ugly or self-mutilation or whatever. They’re dorks, losers, dweebs even. Tattoos are ART. Hot, sexy ART. Anyone who says otherwise is a repressed nerdlinger that needs to remove the broom from their ass. I see a dude with some sweet tattoos and I’m like damn he’s pretty as shit.

  • I see my older tattoos as contracts with my younger self to be kind and not judgmental towards that younger self. And I think of new tattoos in a similar way. I have an obligation to have just enough foresight to not fuck myself over. So no face tattoos. Nothing edgy or profane just for the sake of it. Nothing political, although that may change now that it’s been almost 8 years since I did a major ideology hop. Did I need several tattoos related to the golden ratio on my leg? No, but they’re also not harmful to me. My younger self did it. They held up their end of the bargain. And that’s kinda nice to know.