For four decades, patient savers able to grit their teeth through bubbles, crashes and geopolitical upheaval won the money game. But the formula of building a nest egg by rebalancing a standard mix of stocks and bonds isn’t going to work nearly as well as it has.

    11 months ago

    I couldn’t get past the pay wall to read the article buy I don’t put much stock in people trying to forecast the future. They have no clue what the future brings.

    With that said, I don’t think were seeing any more turmoil than at other points in history. If you look back at history there have been major disruptions about every decade (give or take) with more minor static in between. Covid, financial crisis, 911, gulf wars, oil embargo, Vietnam war, Korean war…etc.

    People that thrive over time have their investments diversified and adjust as circumstances dictate. Setting and forgetting may not yield optimal returns but you’d probably do just fine long term. The key phrase is long term. I’m talking 40-50 years not just a few years.