Looks like its over for me and youtube. Being told I cant watch because of an ad blocker.

Where is everyone moving to and using instead of youtube? I will just move to the same place.

  • Jajcus@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    The old business model could not last forever… and even if it could it was not good for anyone.

    Think about it

    Hosting videos is expensive, someone has to pay for it. It was mostly paid by ads. Ads which many (most people) would block and many people would not ever click even when not blocked. But it still made money… The money come only from ads which 1) where not blocked 2) where at least clicked. The business relied on that.

    So YT relied on ads targeting people who did not know how to block ads and people easy to manipulate by the ads (eager to buy whatever they are trying to sell). Probably not the brightest. Or just easy to be taken advantage of. So the incentive would be to promote content for those people. Not good content, not true content, just content that makes ads viewed and clicked.

    People using ad-blocks were still affected by those who do not. And whole site was optimized for advertises not viewers or content creators. And that is bad.

    I am all in favour of any direct form of payments instead of ads powering the internet. Sites get very little money for each view anyway – so the prices for users should also be quite small.

    Unfortunately as long as ads are supposed to be normal part of internet, they may get forced even onto paying customers. We need regulations.

    • Supervisor194@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      lol, every one of these threads has a highly upvoted corporate shill comment.

      And it’s virtually guaranteed that this comment will be replied to in a paternalistic, condescending manner by a for-real-actual-lemmy-user who is only spouting Google’s talking points because they realize how hard and expensive it is to host a video website you guys.

      YouTube pays five-year-old “influencers” millions of dollars. Obviously this is because it is losing money which is your fault for using an adblocker. 🙄

    • coyootje@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit of money every month to get YouTube ad free. However, it costs €12 a month. That’s a lot of money if you only care about getting rid of ads. I personally don’t need the other features (downloading videos, background play and YouTube music). If they added a 5 to 7 euro a month tier through which you could get rid of ads then that would be much more interesting to me. Now I just feel like I should keep looking for ways around their pop up shenanigans.

    • yukichigai@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      People were okay with ads, then YouTube started making them obnoxious. Ads every 2 minutes, postroll ads that interfere with autoplay, incredibly long “ads” which mean you need to watch YouTube like a hawk to make sure your 5 minute video hasn’t been interrupted by an hour long ad you need to manually skip.

      There’s a balance that people need to be happy with a service, and if the service doesn’t provide that then people will use things like adblockers to get it themselves. It’s the same thing that happened with the first “adpocalypse” that brought about most of the big name adblockers in the first place: people were okay with unobtrusive ads, then advertisers started running popups, overlays, autoplay videos, fake system notifications, on and on and on. The advertising became so disruptive people were unable to use sites without adblockers. And so the cycle repeats.

      YouTube brought this on themselves.

      • Fester@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        This is my problem with YouTube’s ads. If it was a 5-15 second video ad at the beginning/between videos, plus a banner ad or ads on the side/page, that could be sufferable. But constantly interrupting videos at random points for long ass ads does not mesh well with a short-video platform.

        And I also enjoy reminding people whenever I get the chance that the FBI recommends using an adblocker for security/safety reasons: https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA221221

    • Fosheze@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’d be in favor of direct payments too if any of the money actually made it to the content creators I watch. As it it most of their videos wind up demonitized so I’m not going to pay youtube just so youtube can pay copyright trolls. If they started pushing back against the people/companies filing false copyright claims then I would be willing to pay. But we all know that won’t happen.

      • thanks_shakey_snake@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        Not to mention cases where they demonetize a video/channel and still run ads on it 🙄

        Apparently the content isn’t advertiser-friendly enough to pay the creators, but it IS advertiser friendly enough to advertise on.