So this started coming up today. On every video. I can (so far) click the “x” and remove it to watch (still see 2 ads before the video, and one after 4 minutes - ruins music on YT), but did click the “Report issue” only for the dialogue box not to work.

I found a link to a that said 11% use adblock. Thats not a lot.Maaayyyybe there is a problem with the amount of ads youtube forces down our throats for even short videos. 🤷‍♂️

    9 months ago

    Considering that YouTube is as dominant as it is today because of the well-documented network effect[1], you can consider your use of YouTube instead of a competitor in and of itself a payment because it lets them keep their monopoly on online video distribution. YouTube knows this, which is why they were so lenient in their early years - if they started off being strict, people would’ve left earlier and made YouTube’s future as a monopoly more uncertain because of a demand for competitors.

    Maybe instead of justifying their profit-seeking, we should demand more oversight and democratic say over how YouTube as a monopoly operates? Kind of like how in Germany and Slovenia, workers get 50% of the seats on the board of corporations and get to have a say in how a business operates? Alike many other European countries with varying %es of the board seats, like Norway and Sweden where it’s 33%, or Finland where it’s 20%. [2]

    Otherwise, don’t be surprised when YouTube starts going after creator profits next. Something they’re using to justify going after adblock users now.
