Here’s the thread.

Oxfam reminds us that the IMF is mostly about austerity measures.

It also contains these two maps, note how there’s never any conditions for rich countries, i didn’t know that the IMF was solely for nonwestern countries(, yet controlled&financed by the west) :

The second map aims to show that « half of developing country govts will be spending less in 2024 than in the 2010s.», (and adds that « Austerity measures are a key feature of the post-pandemic world »).
« But this image neglects that for many developing countries austerity has been 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 over the past few decades. »

Here’s a list of countries by their percentage of social welfare spending. Cause or consequence ?

I’m not saying that the solution is simple or obvious though, but the contrast with keynesian economics is striking, and i mostly wanted to share the graph in the thumbnail of this post.