seems like it’s 97% memes or news articles. i love a good shitpost but this site would be even better with in depth nuanced discussion – especially with a higher quality userbase than reddit

    1 year ago

    You know what’s cool? Sometimes I get responses on my comments from people that clearly just want to have a conversation. I’ve been conditioned by like buttons and snarky quips for so long that sometimes it takes me a second to stop and realize “oh yeah, I want to have a conversation too! That’s why I’m here!”. It’s pretty neat, and it’s something that I’ve really missed from the old days of the internet (old days? Fuck I’m old and shit). Anyways, I agree with you, we benefit from more meaningful conversations here, and I’m happy to say that I’ve seen more of them here than anywhere else on the Internet at the moment. There’s a forum I’m a member of ( that still has pretty good conversations, but mainly only about single cylinder motorcycles. This place has such a wide variety of interest groups that you can start off talking about cats, and end up talking about deep literature. Pretty cool, guys, pretty cool.