u/ArminiusM1998 - originally from r/GenZhou

  • @archive_botOPB
    1713 years ago

    u/aimixin - originally from r/GenZhou
    Was Engels a class collaborationist for proposing the idea of a proletarian-peasant could cooperate in a revolution? In fact, Trotsky did go onto make this very argument and said the Comintern were evil class collaborationists for this.

    What Lenin and Stalin had argued is that working with other classes is not inherently wrong as long as the proletariat maintains a leadership position. The alliance is not equal, the peasantry could not be the leading force in the revolution, but that doesn’t mean they can’t work together when they share common interests.

    The reason Engels, Lenin, and Stalin all defended this viewpoint was because it made sense given their material conditions. They couldn’t just wave a magic wand and abolish the peasantry because they were part of the material foundations of the economic system, and so you had to work with them when possible. Mao also defended working with the peasantry and the national bourgeoisie during socialist construction and was really only opposed to working with foreign bourgeoisie and landlords.

    Economic planning is founded on public ownership, public ownership is founded on incredibly large-scale production built by markets. When the proletarian revolution occurs, if the entire economy is not already under a giant private monopoly, then inevitably, the material foundations to transform the economy into a fully planned economy would not exist, and you’d still have a large market sector. You can only establish economic planning to a scale proportional to your level of economic development which means the economy would not be fully planned.

    This was something Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin were all very well aware of. The Manifesto does not argue for the immediate abolition of all private property but a gradual abolition alongside economic development. Engels specifically says in The Principles of Communism that private property can only be abolished in proportion to the level of the development of the productive forces. Lenin argued in The Tax in Kind that immediate abolition of small producers would be economically impossible and suicidal. While Stalin went the furthest trying to fully plan the economy, he also admits in Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR that he found such a task to be fundamentally impossible to achieve because of the low level of development of the USSR and that some markets had to remain.

    Stalin had the additional idea of taking those market elements and transforming them into worker co-operatives in order to get rid of bourgeois ownership. However, there really is no theoretical basis for this in Marxism but just a strategy Stalin thought was useful in the USSR at the time.

    Che Guevara wrote a good critique of this in his book Apuntes Críticos a la Economía Política where he criticizes the USSR’s economic textbooks for conflating things the USSR did with socialism in general, that the USSR being the first socialist experiment often failed to separate between what was specific to the USSR’s material conditions and what could be applied universally.

    He goes onto criticize how there is no theoretical basis in Marxism for replacing all private ownership with co-ops and that co-ops do not constitute a form a socialist property, and in fact goes onto argue that workers in co-ops have fundamentally different class interests than workers in the public sector. The public sector workers benefit from an expansion of it, the co-op workers benefit from shrinking it, handing more power to the co-ops, accumulating more wealth individually, etc, etc.

    He actually speculated the USSR might return to capitalism because they didn’t take this problem seriously, that they assumed co-op workers had the same class interests as public-sector workers, and were not really concerned with what potential dangers they could present to constructing socialism. He also provides a couple examples where the co-op sector (the “kolkhozian class”) conflicted with the public sector and the conflicts were resolved in favor of the kolkhozians, leading to deregulation and the restoration of buying and selling of means of production, something Stalin feared would end up laying the basis for the dismantling of the kolkhoz system in Economic Problems and potentially even the restoration of capitalism in the long-run.

    Transforming the market sector fully into a co-operative sector was something the Soviets experimented due to the particularities of their material conditions, but it is nowhere to be found in Marxism and cannot be universalized to all countries nor is there any reason to, and the insistence that we have to embrace such as thing or else we’re “revisionist” makes absolutely no sense and is just a dogmatic application of everything the Soviet Union did into other countries.

    If we are not to be idealists that believe we can just wave a magic wand and instantly change our material conditions, then we would be forced to conclude that private property would continue to exist as a subordinated form of property for a long time post-revolution. If private property continues to exist, definitionally, so does the bourgeoisie. They would exist as a real material part of the economy and you have to work with that.

    You can’t just ignore your material basis and refuse to ever talk to the bourgeoisie because of an emotional visceral reaction against doing so. You can’t pretend the economic base of your country isn’t real because you don’t like it. Even if you make them illegal, they will continue to exist in the form of black markets which plagued socialist countries which overly planned their economies in a way that was far too ahead of their productive forces.

    Private property was recently legalized in Cuba very recently in the constitutional referendum and this was the same argument they had made as well. They made private property illegal, it sprung up as black markets anyways. These black markets flourished not because of evil people wanting to destroy socialism, but because the productive forces were underdeveloped and so the Cuban state was simply not economically efficient enough to plan the whole economy, and so many of these spontaneous black markets were providing real and genuinely useful services. We have seen in the DPRK for example a lot of black markets appear around food production due to food shortages where people grow and sell food independently of the central government that is not adequately providing enough on its own.

    Simply crushing the small producers would thus only hurt their own economy, and making them illegal made it difficult for the state to regulate them. If a black market private business is actually providing a useful service, if they’re illegal, the state would have to disperse them, and so they would be inclined to hide their activities, making it difficult for the state to regulate them.

    By legalizing them, they no longer have a reason to hide their activities and it makes it easier for the state to regulate them, and thus control their development, and make sure the development of a non-state sector, which is inevitable from underdevelopment of the productive forces, would develop in a way beneficial towards the construction of socialism and not damaging towards it.

    The only response to this ultraleftists give are visceral emotional reactions. They just hear “working with the bourgeoisie!!! evil!!!” and then get angry and upset about it because they think the only way to not be a “revisionist” is to just keep killing all private business owners until you have none left.

    Yet, this was not what Marx nor Engels nor Lenin ever proposed. They all understood that markets have to develop alongside and supplementary to the development of planning, you can’t just abolish one because you don’t like it.

    Stalin’s economic model was specific to the Soviet Union’s material conditions and the necessity to rapidly bring the country together and industrialize in order prepare for a fight against the Nazis. There is no reason to think Stalin’s model should be universalized to every socialist country. But this is exactly what people are doing when they call China or Cuba or whatever revisionist for not making all private property illegal and turning all private businesses into co-ops.

    And, again, if you don’t make all private property illegal, you will inevitably have a bourgeoisie, and that means you’ll inevitably at some point have to talk to them if you want to actually run an economy and not virtue signal. That doesn’t mean the proletariat and the bourgeoisie share equal political power and footing, nor did the proletariat and peasantry share equal political power in that alliance, either. The country is still a dictatorship of the proletariat, but that doesn’t mean the proletariat can’t ever cooperate with other classes on any issue ever.

    • @archive_botOPB
      453 years ago

      u/-duvide- - originally from r/GenZhou
      Keep talking like that, comrade, and this party will never let you resign

    • @archive_botOPB
      293 years ago

      u/Rhyanon - originally from r/GenZhou
      This was a really interesting and enlightening comment. Thank-you for posting it!

    • @archive_botOPB
      183 years ago

      u/cheezerrox - originally from r/GenZhou
      o7 thank you for sharing your knowledge comrade

    • @archive_botOPB
      163 years ago

      u/trevrichards - originally from r/GenZhou
      Probably the most a comment has ever earned my free reward.

    • @archive_botOPB
      143 years ago

      u/emisneko - originally from r/GenZhou
      great comment, thank you for taking the time

    • @archive_botOPB
      123 years ago

      u/ZhongguoGraecia - originally from r/GenZhou
      This is a very high quality post

    • @archive_botOPB
      123 years ago

      u/FeaturedDa_man - originally from r/GenZhou
      What examples of cooperatives were there in the USSR outside of agriculture? I don’t think Soviet kolkhozes are synonymous with any sector of say China’s large private economy, and the USSR showed that you can develop quite rapidly and without basic exploitation under full public ownership. I don’t think this means that China isn’t socialist, but the reasoning behind their private sector is different (integration with world economy, capturing foreign tech and capital, etc)

      • @archive_botOPB
        103 years ago

        u/aimixin - originally from r/GenZhou

        What examples of cooperatives were there in the USSR outside of agriculture? I don’t think Soviet kolkhozes are synonymous with any sector of say China’s large private economy

        That’s the point. The fact that China’s system differs from the Soviet’s is precisely the point I’m making. There is no reason for them to be the same.

        China does have agricultural cooperatives, by the way. About half of all rural families are part of one.

        the USSR showed that you can develop quite rapidly and without basic exploitation under full public ownership

        Well the USSR did not have full public ownership since it had cooperatives. And it developed rapidly in the heavy industry sector but not in light industry.

        I don’t think this means that China isn’t socialist, but the reasoning behind their private sector is different (integration with world economy, capturing foreign tech and capital, etc)

        No, it is more than that. The Soviet system was very inefficient in development of light industry because it was difficult to continually upgrade the central planning system inline with later technology. They were using planning techniques developed in the 1930s still up into the 1980s. The economy outgrew their ability to plan it and they suffered in light industry because of the complexity of it.

        People who think the system could’ve been salvaged of course argue that they should’ve rehauled the entire planning system using cybernetics and computation, but such a thing is a lot easier said than done.

        Again, Marx understood economic planning as coming out of markets. Meaning the difficulties of economic planning would already be solved by capitalism by the time you have a revolution. This was not the case for the USSR, it had to develop its planning techniques and continually improve upon them in a top-down way which was difficult and neither the USSR or the Chinese managed to make it work in the long-term.

        The argument in favor of Chinese privatization is not merely to bring in foreign capital but to make its development inline with Marxian economic theory. Markets lay the foundations for planning, the Chinese government should not attempt to plan the economy further than what the productive forces would allow for it to efficiently plan.

        It’s just a lot easier to setup your economy this way, to keep the relations of production inline with the productive forces. Maybe the Soviet model in China could’ve been made to work in the long-term, but it was very difficult and no socialist country succeeded in it.

    • @archive_botOPB
      63 years ago

      u/Specialist-Sock-855 - originally from r/GenZhou
      Thank you for the enlightening perspective, I’ll definitely be thinking about these things in a new light!

    • @archive_botOPB
      23 years ago

      u/vampirewallflower - originally from r/GenZhou
      But fascism also gains power by asking workers to collaborate with the bourgeoisie. It presents itself as anti-establishment and critiques capitalism.

      How does one differentiate the good class collaboration from the bad?

      • @archive_botOPB
        53 years ago

        u/dimlimsimlim - originally from r/GenZhou
        One led by the DOTP is different from what fascists do. It’s very simple. Under the proletarian dictatorship, things are skewed for the majority. Like what Mao and the PRC did.

    • @archive_botOPB
      12 years ago

      u/magicalmind - originally from r/GenZhou
      This was a really great post! I am new to socialist thought, and had some follow-up questions on co-ops.

      You mentioned that private co-ops have different class interests than the state.

      1. Don’t the private co-ops fit the definition of socialism as being “social ownership of the means of production”? If a company is owned/operated by all its employees, that would make it a type of social ownership. So the question of public vs private seems secondary to me, and as long as we have democratic (i.e. social) ownership/control of both public and private sectors, I would say we have accomplished socialism.

      2. We can definitely move towards a more publicly planned economy with time, I am not against that but as I mentioned before, I see it as secondary to becoming socialist. I see co-ops being an excellent transitionary stage for this until the productive forces of that part of the economy are fully developed. Isn’t it better to have the private sector companies be socially owned rather than by the bourgeoisie during the transition?

      3. And ultimately, do we really need to get rid of markets entirely? Do all sectors of the economy need to be centrally planned? Why not have all the major sectors of the economy be publicly owned/operated, while keeping the less important portions of the consumer industry (things that are not a necessity for people, just a nice to have) operated via private markets run by co-ops?

      • @archive_botOPB
        42 years ago

        u/aimixin - originally from r/GenZhou
        1-2. Ithink I pretty much answer it here.

        1. I think your understanding of socialism is somewhat idealist. You’re not looking at socioeconomic systems as objective stages of social development but as merely abstract concepts which are implemented top-down by governments. We can’t just “decide” what is in the market sector and what is planned, these things are determined by levels of development independent of government policy. Attempts to “decide” this usually lead to economic problems since government policy would directly conflict with material reality.
  • @archive_botOPB
    403 years ago

    u/ScienceSleep99 - originally from r/GenZhou
    I’ve read so many conflicting reports on this. The WSJ just recently reported that Xi is going back to Mao.

    Not too long ago there was a poster who summarized a talk given by someone from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It outlined the path the CPC was trying to take and it included a return back to a planned economy 100 years from now. By 2049 China should be mostly dominated by a publicly owned economy.

    What that means, IDK. How official this guy was, IDK.

    I wish someone would repost it.

  • @archive_botOPB
    113 years ago

    u/parentis_shotgun - originally from r/GenZhou
    China’s planned economy entirely cancelled by another bloomberg article.

  • @archive_botOPB
    103 years ago

    u/thepensiveiguana - originally from r/GenZhou
    Maybe don’t rely on staunch financial capitalist news outlets for your news on what socialist countries are doing

  • @archive_botOPB
    73 years ago

    u/Azirahael - originally from r/GenZhou
    We have this every couple months.

    THey have no desire to return to a FULLY PLANNED SOVIET MODEL.

    The economy currently IS planned. The big stuff. Food, power, infrastructure.

    Luxury good, clothes, and toys are not.

  • @archive_botOPB
    73 years ago

    u/King-Sassafrass - originally from r/GenZhou
    It just means doing more of the same. You don’t want to rush the gun on a plan that sucking the life of your enemy