u/ouch_oof - originally from r/GenZhou
yk, the guy who kind of invented the whole cultural marxism crap and said that the soviets were subverting the united states. this guy is mostly loved by nazis and right-liberals. he claims to have worked for the KGB.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/dornish1919 - originally from r/GenZhou
      I remember reading the number of political prisoners in the gulags was under ten percent, the rest were ordinary criminals, and most got out in two to three years as max sentences were ten. If you worked to 105% capacity your one day of work would count as two. Folks were also provided plenty of food/rations and were paid for their labor. At the end of the day they were just penal labor camps which still exist all over the world today. The CIA wrote a report confirming everything I said so it’s pretty much a fact when you pair it with J Arch Getty.

      Ironic Americans complain about gulags when the 13th amendment, war on drugs and private prisons literally push modern slavery in the guise of criminality.