u/asdfguy17 - originally from r/GenZhou

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/MisterBobsonDugnutt - originally from r/GenZhou
    This, I think, resembles a kind of faulty reasoning imo. Please don’t take this as a personal attack but I see this flawed reasoning manifest in a parallel way elsewhere.

    Take Jack Ma and Jimmy Lai.

    They both have been slapped down by the Chinese government. In Jimmy Lai’s case, he has been arrested and is being investigated for money laundering and other things.

    Now, a typical westerner reading of the situation will go: Jimmy Lai annoyed the CPC and so they will do what they always do as an authoritarian government - they will fabricate the evidence and then they will put him through a kangaroo court and lock him up for life.

    So this begs the question - why was it that a year ago Jimmy Lai was calling for foreign intervention and “more CIA” intervention into Hong Kong and demanding secession of HK but he wasn’t immediately thrown into prison the next day or the next week?

    If the Chinese government can just stomp someone down with falsified evidence and a rigged court system then why would they let him continue to spread this message in the mainstream media?

    Same for Jack Ma - if he was violating Chinese law and regulatory bodies, why didn’t they just get rid of his inconvenience and throw him away on some bogus charge immediately?

    In a similar way, why would the Chinese government feel it necessary to provide all of these ideological justifications for their current trajectory?

    It’s very easy to see how ideas of liberty and justice for all can so quickly and completely become rationalizations for imperialism and an incredibly extensive surveillance-carceral complex. (To my knowledge) there aren’t any scholars working on developing philosophical justifications for why a country founded on the right to privacy should permit and support dragnet surveillance of all electronic communication. I mean, there must be some clowns who go through a routine of mental gymnastics on Fox News or what have you - the Dinesh D’souza types - but they are mere spectacle and there is nothing but the intentional perversion of facts and history and scholarship going on there.

    If it’s so easy to take this path then why would China be going to all this effort at all? Are the Chinese masses truly this revolutionary in spirit and education that they must be duped into thinking that SWCC is socialist? I struggle to believe the the Chinese people have been so thoroughly and completely propagandized and educated to be like this - I suspect that most of them have at least a moderate degree of petit-bourgeois mentality tbh. And if this is the case then why don’t they just erode the education and shift the propaganda away from a socialist orientation?