u/asdfguy17 - originally from r/GenZhou

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/MakersEye - originally from r/GenZhou
    Understood. Please believe I’m not being intentionally antagonistic. I only wish to understand.

    I’m your opinion then does China have the balance near enough right for this moment in history, in terms of “class struggle”? It doesn’t appear so to me, but I’m not that knowledgeable to make a proper judgement. Do you think in the clip above Xi is also acknowledging there is work to be done there, or evading it? It seems straight-forwardly self-congratulatory - but naturally there is a time and place for that too, if achievement warrants it. I’m not sure of the nature of the occasion at which the speech was delivered.

    P.S. I wasn’t intending to conflate Marxism with dogma, but rather to question whether or not CCP has perhaps fabricated and injected it’s own dogma into it’s foundational theories, thereby corrupting them effectively, as a self justifying enterprise (i.e. I associate my actions with the theories of Marxism, giving them them both credibility and invulnerability?)

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/aimixin - originally from r/GenZhou
      If you want to claim the CPC is inserting dogma into Marxism, then you need to demonstrate that, but what the CPC is saying is clearly more inline with classical Marxism than the Maoist interpretation. The video link even states “Xi Jinping Rejects Mao Zedong Thought on Class Struggle”, which naturally leads me to assume the uploader of the video is posting this because he thinks the CPC should return to Maoist economics, which are more of a deviation from classical Marxism than Deng Xiaoping Theory.

      Your point about whether or not they have a good “balance” I do think is a much more reasonable question to ask. But you should not base the view over whether or not they have this good “balance” on this single 1 minute and 12 second clip.

      This clip doesn’t even really address that, it is talking about past developments from Mao to Deng, so you can’t really extrapolate anything from this clip about whether or not they have a good balance or not today since that is a separate question entirely from what this video even discusses.

      Whether or not CPC is doing a good job keeping the bourgeoisie under control or whether or not the bourgeoisie is gaining ground in controlling the CPC, or whether or not they already control the CPC, is a more complex discussion than whether or not there should be a bourgeoisie allowed at all that can be worked with.

      It is hard to know what is going on inside of the CPC as an outsider exactly. I base some of my views on economic indicators. If the bourgeoisie was in control, wealth inequality would be growing and not shrinking, its enormous list of policies for poverty alleviation and reducing the wealth gap would not be there, it would eventually begin to stagnate like we’ve seen in most every western country and Japan rather than investing heavily into new technology and infrastructure, there would be attempts to mass privatize the public sector but Xi Jinping has only been trying to strengthen the public sector, there would be a declination in social spending and not an increase in spending as a percentage of GDP every single year consistently, etc.

      So I do view that currently the bourgeoisie is not in power. Of course, whether or not the bourgeoisie is in power is a different question and an entirely different discussion from whether or not they are gaining ground and could be in power in the long-run.

      I don’t think I really have enough expertise on answering that particular question. Someone who has more knowledge on policies they have implemented to prevent that could probably have a better discussion with you on that particular point.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/MakersEye - originally from r/GenZhou
        Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed answers.