u/wumaointraining - originally from r/GenZhou
Is it censored like how we’re told in the “west”, or is it something else?

  • archive_botOPB
    4 years ago

    u/Thembaneu - originally from r/GenZhou
    No. It is called the June 4 Incident. It’s actually quite well known. Nobody knows the term “Tiananmen Square Massacre” because there was no massacre, let alone on the square.

    • archive_botOPB
      4 years ago

      u/balgruufgat - originally from r/GenZhou
      There WERE deaths - about 250-400 iirc, at least half of which were PLA soldiers - but none in the square itself. Feel like it’s important to include that info.

      • archive_botOPB
        4 years ago

        u/MaoZeDeng - originally from r/GenZhou

        A massacre refers to the killing of multiple individuals and is usually considered to be morally unacceptable, especially when perpetrated by a group of political actors against defenseless victims. The word is a loan of a French term for “butchery” or “carnage”.

        While there certainly were lots of people killed and things went out of control, it’s not the government that escalated violence and it’s not like the protesters weren’t given more than enough and fair chance to leave. It’s also not as if their opinions weren’t sufficiently heard or their demands sufficiently considered.

        They were just the hardcore, radicalized, and increasingly frustrated/violent remains of a large protest who lost public support and eventaully needed to leave because they were disturbing public order, trying to invade government buildings and attack (and kill) police officers.

        • archive_botOPB
          4 years ago

          u/Queerdee23 - originally from r/GenZhou
          TRYING ?? Fuckers got impaled and burnt upon buses JFC

      • archive_botOPB
        4 years ago

        u/Thembaneu - originally from r/GenZhou
        True, thank you.

  • archive_botOPB
    4 years ago

    u/Slight_Swim_4573 - originally from r/GenZhou
    I would argue that it’s censored in the west. In the west they just tell people that there was a massacre without teaching people what actually occurred.

    • archive_botOPB
      4 years ago

      u/Kristoffer__1 - originally from r/GenZhou

      without teaching people what actually occurred.

      Telling the truth is counter-productive to the West’s agenda.

  • archive_botOPB
    4 years ago

    u/Frogsknecht - originally from r/GenZhou
    Here’s a broadcast from China after the incident showing footage of the “massacre”, as well as some other footage of mostly peaceful and some violent interactions between police and protestors.

    Deng Xiaoping also talked about it openly in the Chinese press. The term he and other Chinese use is “June 4 Incident”.

    Had it not been for the achievements of the reform and the open policy, we could not have weathered June 4th. And if we had failed that test, there would have been chaos and civil war. The “cultural revolution” was a civil war. Why was it that our country could remain stable after the June 4th Incident? It was precisely because we had carried out the reform and the open policy, which have promoted economic growth and raised living standards. The army and the government should therefore safeguard the socialist system and these policies.

  • archive_botOPB
    4 years ago

    u/Bilbo8888 - originally from r/GenZhou
    Sort of. But also not really. The “massacre” did happen ish. Outside the square that is.

    if you search up this on baidu:https://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=1&tn=baidu&wd=6%E6%9C%884%E5%8F%B7%E2%80%9C1989%E2%80%9D%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6%20%E9%82%93%E5%B0%8F%E5%B9%B3&oq=6%25E6%259C%25884%25E5%258F%25B71989%25E4%25BA%258B%25E4%25BB%25B6%2520%25E9%2582%2593%25E5%25B0%258F%25E5%25B9%25B3&rsv_pq=e621a133000f2ad2&rsv_t=fba0DU979%2BI1arZz3MRrrCVPaNt7OOQnFysNxOYrtb%2BYHe1Un3VkDQ8mnQo&rqlang=cn&rsv_dl=tb&rsv_enter=1&rsv_btype=t&inputT=2705&rsv_sug3=37&rsv_sug2=0&rsv_sug4=3428

    You will find this:http://www.huaxia.com/zt/tbgz/11-019/2431234.html

    And in that you will find this: 6月3日 一个多月来极少数人在北京制造的动乱,发展成为一场反革命暴乱。驻守在北京城区周围的戒严部队奉命平息暴乱。4日凌晨,戒严部队实行清场同时进驻天安门广场,平息了这场暴乱。

    This translates to

    On June 3, the turmoil created by a very small number of people in Beijing for more than a month developed into a counter-revolutionary riot. Martial law forces stationed around the city were ordered to quell the riots. In the early morning of the 4th, the martial law troops cleared the site and entered Tiananmen Square to quell the riot.

  • archive_botOPB
    4 years ago

    u/RoyalSnipez15 - originally from r/GenZhou
    I believe it’s taught in school often

  • archive_botOPB
    4 years ago

    u/maenlsm - originally from r/GenZhou
    What have you been told in the West about it? Peacefully protesting students got run over by tanks and mowed down by machine guns in the Tiananmen Square, right?

    China calls what happen on June 3-4, 1989 in Beijing the June 4th Incident, and has made documentaries about it. I am going to walk you through one episode of these Chinese documentaries (https://vimeo.com/464780095).

    00:00 - 07:56 on the video, the Chinese government called in troops after the protesters occupied the Tiananmen Square for weeks, but protesters dared to block the troops from May 20 to June 3.

    07:57 - 12:23, rioters seized guns from the military on June 3. Have you in the West been told that it’s your freedom to seize guns from the military? Rioters also stormed governmental buildings. What have you in the West been told about storming governmental buildings?

    12:23 - 13:30, the troops were ordered to quell the riot. The authorities issued warnings on TV from 6:30PM on June 3, urging people in Beijing to stay home to ensure their safety.

    13:30 - 17:49, rioters attacked advancing troops in the streets, burning buses, military trucks and APCs.

    17:50 - 18:46, the troop opened fire on some rioters in the streets. The narrator said 200-299 civilians died, including 36 college students.

    18:47 - 19:13, the famous “tank-man” walked away unscathed after blocking a column of tanks.

    19:14 - 22:10, rioters burned military trucks and APCs and they drove around a seized APC, firing its machine gun. Rioters also attacked soldiers and looted weapons.

    22:10 - 23:36, (parental guidance needed for the graphical content). Corpses of soldiers killed or burned to death. Injured soldiers.

    23:36 - 24:30, rioters burned public properties in other cities in China.

    24:30 - 26:12, over 1000 military trucks, APCs and tanks were burned or smashed by the rioters in Beijing.

    26:12 - 28:17, soldiers cleaned the mess in Beijing after quelling the riot.

    The deaths in the June 4th Incident happened in the streets outside the Tiananmen Square. The next episode of this documentary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kdIA89flV4) talks about what really happened inside the Tiananmen Square. It basically says that the students peacefully left the Tiananmen Square in the early morning of June 4 and no one died inside the Square. This narrative of the Chinese government can be supported by video recorded by a crew from the Spanish TVE. The ATV in Hong Kong broadcast the video recorded by the Spanish crew in 1994. Given the fact that the video was recorded by a Spanish TV crew, the fact that ATV has been a liberal news outlet in Hong Kong and the fact that Hong Kong in 1994 was still a British colony, you can’t just say it’s a CCP propaganda. Since this video recorded by the Spanish crew contradicts to the Western MSM lies on what happened in the Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, it has been buried underneath heaps of Western MSM lies and is rarely known in the West. See the video (recorded by TVE, broadcast by ATV) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMtopY3pcZs. You can turn on its English subtitle.