It seems crazy to me but ive seen this concept floated on several different post. There seems to be a number of users here that think there is some way AI generated CSAM will reduce Real life child victims.

Like the comments on this post here.

I find this argument crazy. I don’t even know where to begin to talk about how many ways this will go wrong.

My views ( which are apprently not based in fact) are that AI CSAM is not really that different than “Actual” CSAM. It will still cause harm when viewing. And is still based in the further victimization of the children involved.

Further the ( ridiculous) idea that making it legal will some how reduce the number of predators by giving predators an outlet that doesnt involve real living victims, completely ignores the reality of the how AI Content is created.

Some have compared pedophilia and child sexual assault to a drug addiction. Which is dubious at best. And pretty offensive imo.

Using drugs has no inherent victim. And it is not predatory.

I could go on but im not an expert or a social worker of any kind.

Can anyone link me articles talking about this?

  • Skull
    9 months ago

    Exactly, and this is why I find the way AI companies approach these developments (release the models and see what happens) so troubling. They knew, or could’ve known, the risks, but in an effort to get another round of VC money, they didn’t stop to build in ways to solve ethical problems first. They released their science to create before coming up with the science to control, and now the rest of the world has to deal with the fallout.

    The only defences these companies have is “we didn’t have anything illegal in our training set” and “we have no way to control the models themselves”. Currently, online services run the images they generate through the system in reverse to tag the images and try to detect bad generated subjects. Not just for law enforcement; there are English words that are more often used in porn data sets, so using those may accidentally generate porn if you’re not careful.