And I hate their blue-rich eye searing headlights to.

  • Jeremy [Iowa]
    1 year ago

    Dude most people do not consider a fucking 7 seater small. I get that you don’t like people contradicting your claims but seriously, the fact that you won’t even acknowledge that a reasonable assumption for something described is 'small" is that it isn’t larger than average makes this entire conversation pointless.

    So, your best response to a direct reference of the physical dimensions of the mentioned vehicles is… “dude just trust me bro”?

    It’s interesting you criticize claims - presumably, the actual references to the actual physical dimensions of the vehicles - while also ignoring those same facts. I’m sure you don’t see the error between larger than the average and your referenced CRV being nearly identical in size - but more glaringly - what dimensions do you define as average? Based on your missing awareness so far, it seems you pull this, too, out of your ass - but I’d be thrilled to see any actual data.

    This, aside from how you quibble about assumptions for small despite the external dimensions of my Mitsubishi Outlander being nearly identical to those of one vehicle you highlight as the epitome of small, the Honda CRV. Are you ever going to… say, acknowledge your error?

    I note you did not answer those questions, so I once more highlight: How do you believe the exterior dimensions of the above vehicles compare? Where do you draw the line?

    I’m glad you personally feel the CRV is what qualifies as it indicates you have a line somewhere.

    The external dimensions of the Honda CRV are 185″ L x 74″ W x 66-67″ H per quick Google. The external dimensions of the Mitsubishi Outlander are 185″ L x 75″ W x 69″ H per quick Google.

    Do you truly believe the entire gap between small and large - including an implied medium - lies in the two inches vertical, one inch width, and zero inch length between the two?

    Are you truly so terrified of confrontating your own errors? That’s… kind of sad.

    Have a good one, I’m out. Enjoy your SUV, whether necessary or not you clearly have a strong emotional attachment to it, and surely you can agree with me that there is unquestionable value in having things that bring joy.

    Unfortunately, only one of us seems to have an emotional attachment to anything and I would suggest it isn’t the one directly referencing easily-discovered dimensions for an objective comparison of size. I would also suggest it’s likely the person who ignores points and data and seeks to end the conversation when their errors are unavoidably on display.

    I do enjoy that the vehicle I’ve chosen meets my needs, but I don’t see the need to prescribe emotions to objects of utility.

      1 year ago

      Mate if it’s going to make you happy, yeah I thought the crv was a different car.

      I also made a few other errors.

      It’s definitely impossible to understand what I consider to be a small SUV from the examples given, there’s no way anyone could possibly read into the context and work it out, it was wrong of me to suggest it was obvious. This oversight obviously entirely undermines the actual examples I’d given of where SUVs that have less storage than wagons, obviously a small SUV isn’t like the q3 or mid q5 like I’d suggested, it makes far more sense to start a conversation about small at the standard or full size segment with what appears to be the literal largest size vehicle from a manufacturer.

      I was also wrong to suggest that, like the hundreds of thousands who raised families before the rise of the SUV, that you could have chosen a station wagon to meet your needs. I concede unreservedly, my definition of small is wrong, everyone who needs to transport 4 people needs 7 seats. Further, though I didn’t articulate it, I naively thought that things like roof storage and bike racks and other science fiction ideas could further increase storage potential of vehicles.

      Thank you for so carefully dissecting my original points and teaching me to learn from my mistakes, I feel like such an idiot for spouting such nonsense. Have a great night.

      • Jeremy [Iowa]
        1 year ago

        It’s definitely impossible to understand what I consider to be a small SUV from the examples given, there’s no way anyone could possibly read into the context and work it out, it was wrong of me to suggest it was obvious.

        Given the near-identical size of it compared to the one you lambast, yes, it’s impossible to see any meaningful difference as there isn’t any beyond your opinion on the matter. Your sarcasm aside, I’m going to hold you to this.

        This oversight obviously entirely undermines the actual examples I’d given of where SUVs that have less storage than wagons, obviously a small SUV isn’t like the q3 or q5 like I’d suggested, it makes far more sense to start a conversation about small at the standard or full size segment.

        Oh? I note you still don’t bother to actually support your assertion with any form of meaningful data. Here, I’ll do your part for you as you’re clearly incapable of knowing what you’re talking about.

        The Mitsubishi Outlander clocks in at 185.4 L x 84.4 W x 68.5 H.

        The Audi Q5 clocks in at 184.3 L x 84.2 W x 65.5 H.

        The delta is 1.1 L x 0.2 W x 3.0 H. Where in this delta do you delineate small, medium, and large?

        The Audi Q3 clocks in at 177 L x 73 W x 63 H.

        The delta is 8.4 L x 11.4 W x 5.5 H. Where in this delta do you delineate small, medium, and large?

        Where in any of the available SUVs on the market do you delineate small, medium, and large? I suspect you don’t actually have a meaningful delineation - it would explain your complete inability to demarcate thresholds or support your position.

        I was also wrong to suggest that, like the hundreds of thousands who raised families before the rise of the SUV, that you could have chosen a station wagon to meet your needs. I concede unreservedly, my definition of small is wrong, everyone who needs to transport 4 people needs 7 seats. Further, though I didn’t articulate it, I naively thought that things like roof storage and bike racks and other science fiction ideas could further increase storage potential of vehicles.

        Ah - I see you continue to ignore the concept of height, in addition to pretending it’s impossible for both options to have roof storage and bike racks and other science fiction ideas. You seek to dunk, but in your sarcasm, you seem to erode your own position even further. Amazing.

        Thank you for so carefully dissecting my original points and teaching me to learn from my mistakes, I feel like such an idiot for spouting such nonsense. Have a great night.

        The worst part is, had you at any point actually managed to support your assertions or respond to the actual criticisms, it could have been a productive conversation. That would require you to set your fragile ego aside and be willing to consider you might just be wrong though, so…