Debates about animal testing are important and understanding the realities of them is good, but I feel like it’s easy to overlook maybe the most crucial component of this: Musk has openly and clearly lied about these tests and the realities of what point his technology is at, seemingly to mask the grim reality behind it
He’s done that in all his businesses. Arguably that’s what makes him a messiah to his ilk. They think he’s a profit. When sane people realize he’s just a blow hard lying about things or is just completely out to lunch.
Which is pretty standard with these types. Akin to Homes.
Debates about animal testing are important and understanding the realities of them is good, but I feel like it’s easy to overlook maybe the most crucial component of this: Musk has openly and clearly lied about these tests and the realities of what point his technology is at, seemingly to mask the grim reality behind it
He’s done that in all his businesses. Arguably that’s what makes him a messiah to his ilk. They think he’s a profit. When sane people realize he’s just a blow hard lying about things or is just completely out to lunch.
Which is pretty standard with these types. Akin to Homes.
Prophet. He may be a profit, but he’s no prophet.