• HubertManne
      48 months ago

      Yeah and I have no idea where the enlightened monicker comes from. Im a bit left of center but because of how my country is I would be labled by everyone except extreme left as extreme left. The extreme left of course would mark me as a sell out and just as bad as the most extreme kkk, nazis, etc because I don’t want throw out capitalism completely or don’t see destroying fossil fuel infrastructure as helping the environement, etc.

  • @Cleverdawny@lemm.ee
    48 months ago

    Give me a choice between OP’s Stalinist Marxist Leninism and the fascism of the right, I unashamedly refuse both choices.

  • @betwixthewires@lemmy.basedcount.com
    8 months ago

    The problem with this is that the left is not the shining house on the hill anymore. You guys lost the fucking plot.

    We aren’t talking about civil rights vs lynching anymore. You want me to pick between communism and fascism, and here’s the thing: I’m not a centrist. I’m an ideological extremist, I believe in individual liberty to an extreme. It’s not down the middle, its as far the fuck away from the both of you that I can get. Draw a picture of that guy turning around and walking away from the fork in the road, that’s me. You’re both the same.