I am an Xer who manages a small but crucial team at my workplace (in an EU country). I had a lady resign last week, and I have another who may be about to resign or I may have to let go due to low engagement. They are both Gen Z. Today it hit me: the five years I’ve been managing this department, the only people I’ve lost have been from Gen Z. Clearly I do not know how to manage Gen Z so that they are happy working here. What can I do? I want them to be as happy as my Millennial team members. One detail that might matter is that my team is spread over three European cities.

Happy to provide any clarification if anyone wants it.

Edit. Thanks for all the answers even if a few of them are difficult to hear (and a few were oddly angry?) This has been very helpful for me, much more so than it probably would have been at the Old Place.

Also the second lady I mentioned who might quit or I might have to let go? She quit the day after I posted this giving a week’s notice yesterday. My team is fully supportive, but it’s going to be a rough couple of months.

  • bob_wiley@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I’m aware of Bloomberg terminals. That isn’t insider trading. If you think $2,000/month is worth it to you, have at it. From their website, the only thing I see them say is that Bloomberg news is posted first on Bloomberg terminals. That’s like the NY Times saying their news is first posted on nytimes.com. Of course. And when I’m talking long term value investing over decades, that isn’t a news driven activity. If you invest at 10am or 3pm, it’s not going to really matter in 30 years.

    HFT is one of the things I was talking about when I said the “the whole market is obsessed with short term bull shit”.

    The brokers using middle men to turn a profit on 0 commission trades by selling order flow is why I avoided all those apps like Robinhood and WeBull… more bull shit.

    Of course the market maker is making money while everyone else is losing. They aren’t making a profit off the stock movement, they’re making their pennies off the spread, and doing it at scale. As long as the volume is high they’re going to make money. Long term value investing means they make less money, because people aren’t buying and selling multiple times per day, or millions of times per day if some HFT BS is going on.

    You don’t have sit at the top of the pyramid to win in the market. The average Joe has more access to the markets than at any time before in human history. You have it much easier than Buffett did starting out. Who gives a shit if some hedge fund in NYC is making a bunch of money, what does that have to do with your trades? Fuck all. Invest consistently over time and think long-term. It’s the amateurs who are trying to buy and sell all the time to time the market who end up getting screwed. That has nothing to to with the hedge funds, that’s all personal choices.