I’ve never built a PC before and I don’t know that I know all of the considerations.

I’d like something as a server for automated backup from other devices, like phones. I may also do video reencoding on it. I’d like it to be fairly small, but it doesn’t need to be that small. This is what I’ve picked out: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/L3pxGP.

The case, motherboard and power supply I plan to use is the AsRock Deskmini, but it wasn’t an option on Part Picker: https://www.newegg.com/asrock-deskmini-x300w/p/N82E16856158068. This was attractive because it says it has a built-in RAID setup. This is for backups, so I’d like RAID, but I don’t know anything RAID, so a built-in option sounded convenient. The Deskmeet would have been fine too, but it’s out of stock.

Is the cooler OK for that processor? I don’t care about a video card, and the 5700G has integrated graphics, but I don’t know if I need something else to get the graphics working. Is there anything else I should consider?

Thanks for any help.

  • Observer1199@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago
    • What’s your use case(s) for the PC?
    • What are you going to be backing up?
    • How important is it to you?
    • Is there a specific reason you want to use RAID?
    • Any other specific considerations about your build?
    • What’s your budget?

    Noctua is good but I’d choose a bigger heat sinc for the CPU. Will dissipate heat better/faster, allow fan(s) to run slower and therefore be a bit quieter.

    NewEgg is not a great site to buy PC parts from, particularly HDDs (they ship them without proper packaging), based on feedback I’ve seen in other communities. I’ve always just stayed away from them.

    All in 1 PC cases/motherboard/PSUs are generally not great in my experience. Unless cost is the primary concern, you’ll usually do better picking individual quality parts.

    The RAID that motherboard only supports is only 0 or 1. They both have their uses but since you state you know nothing about RAID, I doubt they are the right choice for you. On top of that, you’ll usually always be better if with a dedicated RAID card, rather than one built into a cheap motherboard.

    Assuming you don’t have infinite money to throw at it, the answers to the questions at the start will give a better idea of what parts you should or shouldn’t compromise on quality wise.