By a complete stranger, no less, who happened to notice my 30th birthday button which I had forgotten was on my coat. Almost burst into tears on the spot, but then I am a bit hormonal today.

Please, fellow lemmings, cheer me up by telling me: what’s the worst thing you’ve had said to you by a stranger?

    1 year ago

    Little kids can be brutally honest. My kids have certainly helped me develop thicker skin. Some things my daughter said to me as a toddler:

    • Daughter: daddy stop singing - Me: why? - Daughter: because you can’t

    • After I gained 20 lbs due to stress and COVID lockdown and my daughter saw me without my shirt on: Mom, dad has weird boobs

    • My daughter looking at a picture from our wedding: wow, dad you look so different? - My brain: just keep your mouth shut and don’t ask her to elaborate

    Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. Thankfully, she’s grown beyond that age now.