• ATiredPhilosopher
    1 year ago

    Ooh spicy take - miss me with the “we” shit, I’m not American thank god.

    I’ve been to India, have you? It’s fucked that you value “national self worth” over actual material realities. National self worth doesn’t mean shit when you’ve got homeless people shoving their impoverished baby in your face while standing outside one of the most lavish hotels you’ve ever seen trying to get a rupee so they can eat with a government riddled with actual fascists at the helm.

    America can waste $1T a year on military funding because of its imperialist past and driving it’s imperialist present to secure it’s imperialist future at the expense of the global south yet I’m the asshole for suggesting that there’s possibly more important things to address in India than a fucking space program which aims to, in your words, build NaTiOnAl SeLf WoRtH. Fat load of good that does the homeless and the hungry. Fuck outta here with your STEM-lord white knighting bullshit and get a grip on the biggest problems affected us regardless of lines on a map.

    The answer certainly won’t be found on the dark side of the moon.