No wonder the average freeze-gamer gate cryptofascist feels so betrayed by the Wolfenstein series: it remained where it started about killing nazis and just made killing nazis more real and urgent and relevant.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The modern Wolfenstien titles had a great balance of action movie intentionally over the top macho ultra-violence and then would pretty gracefully transition to these emotionally impactful scenes. I’m still genuinely surprised/impressed by how the game shifts gears from well done cinematic to player driven carnage.

    I really also liked how Wolfenstien’s faux history showed just how “normal” fascism, hatred, bigotry, all that gross nazi shit would be. Not just normal but celebrated and rewarded socially. The designers really thought about this sort of stuff and it shows. It gave it a sense of weight and reality to it all.

    It’s good art. Felt to to play, feel good to watch, great sound design, great way to get anti-nazi messaging into the mainstream without compromising being a good game. Left an impression upon me and honestly I think it’s one of the all-time great FPS titles.

    Still wish Youngbloods was not designed with the RPG-lite stuff, it was just a really bad fit for this series. I still think a co-op shooter playing the daughters of BJ blasting their way around an early 80’s Paris in Da’at Yichud Power Suits is a great idea on paper. They just really fumbled the execution, or worse yet intentionally designed bad systems.