I identified as an “involuntarily celibate” male and sought support from people in my circumstance. I found a forum called http://incels.is

The people posting there purported to be men in my circumstance. I believed it and then shared opinions about my plight and the dynamics of the larger sexual marketplace (re how it’s become polygynous.) Soon after – to my shock and horror – they “took the mask off” and told me that they – the people I was posting alongside – were in fact fed agents. You see, they had in fact shutdown real incel spaces years prior and replaced them with ones operated by DHS because they had deemed incels – a class of males who are only the result of emergent polygyny – as “domestic extremists.” The feds then informed me – by revealing to me personal details about my life and my day to day activity (in own apartment no less) that I was now subject to intrusive monitoring and surveillance. When I step outside people from the creepily named “fusion centers” trail me. So in essence I am in an open-air prison without having committed a crime.

Moreover, the feds over at http://incels.is themselves encourage extremist rhetoric which shapes the public image of the incel class. In short they are generating their own work by censoring incels across web and setting up incel forums where they (feds) larp as extremist incels. They set a trap for incelish men seeking support from their own kind. This treatment of incels is motivated by politics because after Trump’s victory in 2016 the neolib establishment went hard after any MAGA-adjacent spaces. In 2015, incels were among the first to be ecstatic about Trump. But does that mean they should be politically repressed, silenced, and treated as domestic terrorists?

Or am I just delusional and what I have written is suggestive of schizophrenia?

  • MrHand@lemmy.worldOP
    11 months ago

    Yes I really should. Perhaps a professional would clarify whether I’m perceiving reality correctly – that is, after having posted on incels.is, a fed honeypot forum, I came under intrusive monitoring and was placed on a watchlist for 1st amendment protected speech and whether feds trail me online to accuse me of being schizo whenever I make these claims. A professional could indeed help me make sense of these things but currently I am uninsured and have no choice but to seek the advice of the masses.