Besides size and looks, nowadays is there any significant differences between distros that might make one “better” than the other?

    10 months ago

    There is no such thing as “better” really. It’s more about how much you want to tinker.

    I ran arch and slackware 10-15 years ago. Now I have a job where I need to get actual work done so I don’t have the time or energy for that anymore. I run mint.

    Use something that fits your goals.

    At a base level though, really there is very little difference. Any app can be run on any distro. Again, depending on how much you want to wrestle with things.

      10 months ago

      Yep for me, as well. Years ago I enjoyed tinkering and fixing and exploring out problems… but it was my hobby to do so and one I enjoyed very much.

      These days, I just want to get my work done and I don’t want to mess around with a lot of configuration and finding drivers and searching out solutions on forum boards. Tried them all, but I just come back over and over to Mint. It just gets it done and out of my way.