Some of you may have had the unfortunate experience of seeing the posts on the dunk tank. I keep seeing really bad tastes, bad politics, transphobia, racism, you name it - just overall really awful posts. The content on there totally goes against Hexbear’s code of conduct, and I’m shocked that we would ever consider associating with that instance. It has always been bad over there, but ever since federation opened up, the levels of toxicity have grown immensely, as exemplified in this post. I am calling on Hexbear’s moderators to defederate from the dunk tank immediately, as this is unacceptable to the Hexociety we live in.

kelly Flunk tank.

  • Apathy
    1 year ago

    Pre-comment disclaimer- all uses of you here are in reference to hexbear as an instance, not individuals.

    I know this is a joke, and I’m a bit uncomfortable making this reply in the first place, but to be entirely honest dunk tank and Cth (which iPhone wanted to correct to Cthulhu, which is why it’s capitalized, and I’d rather share that fun fact than fix it) have confused the absolute fuck out of me as far as what y’all are about, because some of that content is -really- aggressive toward what I used to identify as (and why I’m ancom now - canvassing as a liberal who never felt liberal went far enough), and it’s the vast majority of what comes up on my feed from hexbear, sorted by new (to do my part, 🫡!).

    But then I also see the policies, the politic, and the community, and I’ve had zero bad experiences with any of you, hence the confusion.

    But I intentionally seek to understand, and have always had user instance information enabled on comments to show where people come from, so it makes it easier to aggregate the information.

    I know a lot of the newer users are on apps, since a lot of them came here -because- of apps (I did, tbh, but I like the feel of the platform) and by default most apps (all the ones on iOS that I’ve tested, at least) suppress instance information, to make it more like Reddit, I assume, so they don’t recognize the good stuff from your users, they just see the dunk and cth posts, and assume you all suck because they haven’t been exposed to it and then this HUGELY active community pops up ragging on what they identify as. Rather than question it because they see you elsewhere and know where you come from, they see those posts and that’s it.

    The apps also really suck for community finding and searching based on instance.

    I’m pretty sure I’m on the same page you lot are but… I honestly don’t know sometimes because I don’t really know you and I see a limited amount of who you are.

    • Florn [they/them]
      1 year ago

      I’m a little confused about what you’re trying to say. Are you saying there’s dissonance between how nice we seem and how hostile we are to liberals?

      • Apathy
        1 year ago

        Yes, but also I just don’t really quite understand what exactly is going on because of that dissonance and I’m really trying to.

        This is my first exposure to any of your communities, and I find it very confusing because from what I can tell… I mostly agree with you…? I think? Probably? Except for that hostility. I don’t know what to make of that.

        • GaveUp [love/loves]
          1 year ago

          I think a lot of us try to be nice and patiently explain to anybody who is genuinely curious and trying to learn more but we will be dicks to people who are just trying to be hostile and aren’t willing to have an open discussion

          It may seem like people are randomly picking and choosing when to be nice or mean but it’s pretty obvious to a lot of us when somebody is trying to learn or not since we’re constantly pelted with anti communists in every corner of the anglo internet

          • Apathy
            1 year ago

            Right but the hostility is aimed seemingly entirely toward liberals who, one would expect, would be closer to what we want that conservatives yet I really don’t see any conservative dunking which is part of the confusion.

            Perhaps that’s just built in to the normal way your other on-instance communities work, and the only stuff that leaks out is the liberal bashing stuff, I don’t know because I don’t really see much else on my feed tbh.

            • GaveUp [love/loves]
              1 year ago

              Conservatives are openly and blatantly racist and anti-working class, so I guess there’s nothing to call out there

              Liberals however love pretending they’re not racist and anti-working class while not being much better than conservatives so calling out their thin facade is more noteworthy

              Just a guess

            • Florn [they/them]
              1 year ago

              I think there’s two things going on here that you ought to be aware of.

              Firstly, this is a socialist instance, and so when we say “liberal”, we usually don’t mean “US left-wing”, we mean “pro-capitalist”. Under that definition, both major American parties and almost all Americans are liberal.

              Secondly, when we are talking about “US left-wing” liberals, we’re talking about a group that is way closer to “US right-wing” conservatives than to us. There is dunking on conservatives, but conservatives are boring. We know they’re right-wing, they know they’re right-wing and they love wallowing in their own shit. But liberals will say some absolutely wild right-wing garbage and still go on thinking they’re left-wing. Stuff that’s racist, stuff that’s homophobic, stuff that’s factually untrue, stuff that’s horrifically cruel, and the second they’re challenged on it, they’ll call you uncivil. They’ll get really defensive if you threaten their righteous, smartest person in the room brand identity by being either more righteous or smarter than them, and they’ll spout even more right-wing garbage to try and justify themselves. If you notice we’re mean to “US left-wing” liberals, you have to understand that it’s because we’re hoping for a brighter, kinder, more reasonable future.

      • Apathy
        1 year ago

        Don’t show the instance of commenters at all?

        Thunder doesn’t, and sadly they handle hexbear images the best (on iOS, at least, idk about the android version or any android apps, but I might boot up my old phone and see what’s out there for it), and I’d have to dig through the other apps, most of them have a toggle that’s off by default though.

        Fwiw though I put in a request to have it as a feature, at least for those who care… but as a default it’s generally disabled.