Overwatch 2 is the worst game on Steam, according to user reviews | “The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch”::undefined

  • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Negative reviews are important. I never cared enough about overwatch because most of the things I didn’t like are things the rest of the playerbase did. But I have left my fair share of negative reviews on other games.

    So yeah. I just left. I also just left online Escape from Tarkov (SPTarkov is awesome though). If someone asks me for my opinion, I’ll give it. But I am not going to make wild ass claims about how they need to buy me dinner before I let them fuck me.

    But that is not what “review bombing” is (and I also think you replied to the wrong comment but whatever).

    Review bombing is the idea of encouraging everyone to get their hate on and spam one star reviews in an attempt to hurt a game. It is right up there with sending death and assault threats to cod developers over nerfing the AKM. It is stupidity and hate and mostly just makes people ignore you

    Whereas games that naturally get to “mostly negative” and the like? Those are incredibly valuable. When I see a cool steam game in my discovery queue during a sale or I hear that Nookrium played it, I check it out. And seeing the general trend of those reviews are incredibly useful in knowing if it is in a good place or not. Whereas just seeing a massive spike of reviews lets me know “Cool, all of these are worthless”

    On a small scale, people play this out as the idea of sitting in your date’s living room telling them they better get an uber xl or else you are going to give them a one star on the dating app. And on a large scale? This is like calling all your buddies to report this person’s tinder account because they are only 5’8 instead of 6 flat.

    If your date is a creep? Leave and possibly report them to the app. If they are just an asshole? If you use one of those apps with ratings then have fun. But nothing is forcing you to sit there and listen to them talk about how The Space Lizards control hollywood.