So I look very ugly and honestly don’t look feminine at all and just look like a guy with girls’ clothes draped over him. I have been on HRT for a year and 6 months, I went from 4 to 6mg in April and I still look pretty terrible, I am not sure what I can do differently and I feel like maybe I am overweight which ruined my chances at ever passing and I should have lost it pre hrt. all of my selfies including this one are taken at angles to make me look better, this is one of the few photos I have at a normal angle (this was taken before my college graduation) as you can see I pretty much just look like a dude. I am honestly not even sure if FFS could help me or if a doctor would even consider it worth while.

FOR THE DUMBASS PEPES from the troll instances in the comments I will not listening to your comments, thank you.

    11 months ago

    Unironically I thought “why are random women who look like they teach second grade posting on c/amiugly?” I only realized this was a trans sub after I finished reading the title. I just saw this on the all feed lol. I wouldn’t say you look younger than 35 tbh but I also definitely think you look like a woman.