Can we discuss the start of act 2?

I made it a point not to roll back my saves for any decision I make. So far, I’ve managed to save the tiefling’s at the druid camp. Being a tiefling myself, I want to see them make it!

This made me all the more excited to see all the tiefling’s that I’d saved make it this far. And boy were there a lot of them. So many people I recognized from previous conversations or quests. I was thrilled! And they of course remembered me.

I say all this to emphasize how hard it hit me when I wasn’t able to protect Isabel. That whole interaction blindsided me so bad. And my initiative roll was horrible for all my characters, I ended up being paralyzed and they just slaughtered her in 2 turns.

It was a freaking gut punch, the likes I haven’t felt in a game in years. All those innocent people, turned to monsters, then forcing me to put them down.

My main character was always so optimistic before this. This interaction is gonna make me change the way I play and the decisions I make going forward, just to really add to the impact of him losing all those people he cared about, thinking the decisions he made led to their death.

Is there anyone living the good life with their tiefling friends in the Last Light Inn? Anyone who saved Isabel? Because my character just lost his people and is a broken person now because of it.

  • ThrowawayOnLemmy@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    I did have one odd issue. I made a point to not mention the artifact to Jaheira. But when I spoke to her later, our conversation implied I told her about it.

      1 year ago

      In my fight (on tactician) I was one turn away from saving her and I misclicked something (I don’t remember what) and she died. I reloaded after that because I was annoyed, moved some candelabras in front of the double doors, used arcane lock on them on the first turn and it was trivial. It’s mostly a useless spell, but it can occasionally come in very handy. Remember, not all spell need to be combat spells to be useful in combat.

    1 year ago

    The only times I load a save is if I get wiped, so this first campaign has been interesting to say the least.

    The last inn was my first big disaster in a string that has made my first play through quite sad.

    Everyone except my party died at that inn, and my party only just survives with less that 5hp between all the characters.

    Compared to act one this turned dark really quick.

    • ThrowawayOnLemmy@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Jaheira managed to survive for me, but it took me throwing a potion or 2 at her.

      Act 2 has been dark and unforgiving for sure

    1 year ago

    Since I got a good Initiative roll my first playthrough, I decided to go back and reload until I got a bad one for this encounter. I didn’t change any of my party, their equipment, or their prepared spells ie the closest I could come to a blind run. Isobel only had 3hp left by the time my party’s initiative came up on the reload I decided to go with.

    The encounter was saved entirely by one spell, Sanctuary. Larian changed it from “Wis save to attack targeted creature” to “targeted creature can’t be attacked” and when she tripped on Jahera’s ice it bought me 2 rounds that she couldn’t be targeted. I had been using this busted change to keep Gale alive prior to this.

    Party: MC Paladin, Shadowheart, Gale, Karlach.