The word patriarch occurs only in the tweet description and in the url link, the actual article title and body of the piece does not contain the word

If you are unware people who write the articles do not make the titles or make the tweets in an organization like NBC this was done most likely by a copywriter who did not write the article and is not credited as is standard

The actual article itself was co written by an Asian American journalist writing for NBC Asian America, I think it’s somewhat obtuse to claim that this person is maliciously or not spreading orientalism this was cowritten by Asian American journalist in the field of Asian American journalism

The article itself is nothing but sympathetic to the family and portrays the Dad as a sensitive and kind family man who loved his family, there are no harmful steriotypes about Asian men being controlling or domineering in the article, however their are many kind and heartfelt descriptions of the family which I will quote here but read the whole thing

Aniki wasn’t the only one impressed by the team leader, Kyu Cho, who became a close friend and mentor. Cho was wise and nurturing beyond his years, an elite martial artist who also excelled in the classroom, according to multiple friends and former team members.

“He loved being a dad,” Aniki said.

At the time of his death, Cho, 37, was working at the law firm Porter Legal Group, in Richardson. He represented clients in multiple areas of law but he felt most passionate about immigration cases, the firm said.

“Although Kyu has only been with our firm for a year, it was immediately apparent that he is one of the most thoughtful, caring and considerate people we have ever had the pleasure to know and work alongside,” Porter Legal said on its Facebook page.

“I don’t think I ever saw him not smiling,” Luckhardt added. “He just had this endless positivity, and I always felt like he put other people before himself.”

I think this post was useless and actively harmful bc we put a heartfelt article eulogizing and commenting on the tragedy of this family into the dunk bc a word on the tag line of a tweet, I think the post itself should be removed, the article is nothing but gracious and portrays him as a kind caring soul

I really doubt most people actually read the article, I feel like most people just looked at the screenshot, I have no idea how 90 people saw this post crtically engaged with it and thought it was worth clicking the upvote button, it was a bad post griping about a word that is interchangable with the word father, under the faulty premise that a piece completely devoid of hate was perpetuating harmful steriotypes bc of one word, that doesn’t have any historical or present associations with any group of people, the actual contents of the article had no iota of predudice against any group background or identity