My flexibility is not good. It affects a lot of what I do. Tight legs, tight back, which keeps me from doing things I want to do, mainly cycling.

I know I need to stretch. I just don’t know where to start, and I’m the type of person, if I have an app or a program to follow so I don’t have to think, I’m more likely to do it.

I get a ton of adds on instagram, but with most adds, I don’t trust any of them.

What are some suggestions for apps/programs for stretching I can use?

    1 year ago

    I’ve built up a stretching routine over the last few years. My methodology has been trial and error. But the general process works like this:

    First, when I notice that something hurts or is tight, I try to identify the muscles near it. Then I search for dynamic and static stretches that target those muscles and I try to get about three or four.

    I add those to my pre workout warmup and/or post workout stretches. After about a week of using them I might realize some aren’t as useful as others or sometimes they’re just redundant. So by a process of elimination I usually only keep one.

    So over the years I now have a warm up and stretching routine for my hips, shins, knees, neck, back, and shoulders.

    1 year ago

    I wrote for myself. But it’s free and includes a personalized mobility/flexibility routine, so you might find it useful if you ignore the workout portion.

    Muscles targets can be adjusted, so if your legs are tight you’d bump up the flexibility targets for quads, hamstrings and the like to adjust the workouts.

    I’m still working on exercise progressions, but it should be a good place to get started.