New vid from lemmino

    1 year ago

    The amount of effort and research that Lemmino puts into his videos are epic.

    I can honestly believe that the amount of time between videos is entirely the length of time it takes to create one of his videos.

    For anyone who hasn’t heard of this youtuber I would strongly recommend his video on Jack the Ripper and the video on the origins of the ‘Superman S’. The latter of which I think is the genesis of his passion for these long form deeply researched videos.

    He has come such a long way from his roots as a bit of generic ‘Top 10’ lists creator to where he has come. Phenomenal development of skills and style.

    I think my criticisms on this video, if I was to be picky, would be that he perhaps could have touched on some of the more credible ‘conspiracies’ surrounding and following the event. But I appreciate the length of the video was already nearly 2hours just in the details surrounding Oswald at the time. Maybe he’s got another video planned regarding this, after all he has touched on speculation before on the Jack the Ripper video.

      1 year ago

      It’s also important to point out that when watching old videos of his it’s advisable to check his web site. There he posts things he got wrong and links to new sources. He tries to keep his credibility by posting corrections, but a lot of people don’t know about these corrections.

        1 year ago

        For the most part I think that they’re all entirely nonsense and based around people searching for something that simply isn’t there.

        At the end of the video Lemmino spends some time talking about these, saying that they’re just not credible based on so many factors. And for that I entirely agree. However he doesn’t talk about the weird behaviour of the Secret Service following the event.

        Now all of that could be down to Secret Service corruption, incompetence, secrecy etc etc, but it could also just as likely be on purpose.

        I’m a big believer in Occam’s Razor, that the simplest thing is probably what happened. As we all know the events, I fully believe that Oswald did what he did entirely as described in the video, but there are is also interesting ‘evidence’ that suggests that maybe one of Kenney’s Secret Service detail may have unintentionally shot Kennedy in the back of the head in the chaos of everything and upon realising this, the Secret Service obviously decided to try and (successfully) cover it up.

        Again, I fully recognise this theory as a conspiracy, but for me, based on what (admittedly small amount) I’ve seen on the matter this is the most credible. Because it’s the simplest answer. Only being trumped by the simpler answer that everything happened as described.

    1 year ago

    Thanks for sharing. Always had a bit of an obsession with this tragedy and the surrounding conspiracies. Looks interesting.