I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence, but I raised a case with the ICO in the UK, and today they got back to me asking for all my communication with Reddit. Also today - after a month of silence - Reddit also emailed me with this

If you’re in the UK and had been affected by posts being restored, I’d recommend contacting the ICO. It takes less than 5 minutes

  • cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me
    1 year ago

    while also the least desirable.

    The opposite for me. I want my helpful comments to be gone from Reddit. If they want to make money off my content, they better pay me, that’s how one acts according to Spezface.

    I’ve been waiting for the whole restoration thing to shake out, and only went through my highest upvoted posts and comments to delete just those by hand (after receiving my GDPR data dump of all my posts and comments 2 weeks ago).