I live a relatively active life but I struggle with eating too much. I feel like there is no diminishing returns when I eat something. Each chip tastes just as good as the last one. So I will be craving food but know it’s not healthy for me to eat more. I’m trying to find ways to ignore that feeling or dismiss it.

Are there any tips or methods you use to help with that? Impulse control is the hardest thing to work on sometimes.

  • bob_wiley@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well, corn is technically a grain and people tend to cover it with butter and salt, so corn is basically tortilla chips pretending to be a vegetable, lol. The chip bit was a stretch, corn is more filling that chips, but corn is a grain that wouldn’t exist without humans.

    I’ll load up on vegetables. I’m lazy so I get the stuff that steams in the bag. It says it’s 4-5 servings, but I’ll eat the all of it in one sitting. But even eating all of that, it’s not a ton of calories, at the end I’m pretty full, and I don’t feel like shit afterward. If I were to eat that much volume in chips, candy, or whatever, I’m on the verge of throwing up.

    Carrots are considered one of the sweeter vegetables. People always told me this and I was like wtf are you talking about. Then I went 0 sugar (legit 0, if a label said 0g, but the ingredients had dextrose as the last thing, I wasn’t eating it. I was pretty hard core for a while)… anyway, after several months of that I had some carrots, and wouldn’t you know it, they tasted sweet. It was amazing. I’m not trying to tell you shouldn’t eat carrots, do it, but that might be why you tend to eat more of those vs some other vegetables. As long as your not getting sick and feeling bad from how much you’re eating, and you’re not turning orange (that’s a thing), you’re probably ok.