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Alright you redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,

Take Two.

Ten years after Occupy Wall Street one thing has become painfully clear: the people in charge of our global system have run it aground.

Ecosystems are crashing, financial markets teetering, climate wars breaking out. Suddenly humanity is in a Code-Red Emergency and our world leaders haven’t got a clue about how to get us out of it.

It’s time for another global uprising — OWS 2.0.

But this one will be a little different. Instead of marching in the streets and commandeering parks, we’re calling for a Worldwide General Strike — A Day of Rage Against World Leaders.

On September 17th, everything simply … stops.

  • poVoqOP
    33 years ago

    One day strike is not going to make people starve to death, the important point is to show that enough people care about the issue at hand.

    Obviously nurses working in intensive care units and other such jobs will be able to make their own judgment calls if they work or not.

      33 years ago

      Yeah I get that, I think people do care which is why there are so many worldwide protests about covid lockdowns and so. But do you notice how you hardly ever hear about the protests from mainsteam news outlets, you always hear it from other sources