I commented a post where someone insulted me in an ableist way (“I guess you’re disabled as you couldn’t read the comments.”).

Weirdly enough, as soon as I commented on that, everything got out of order. When looking at old.reddit.com while logged in, the ableist comment wasn’t even there; when looking at “regular”/new reddit.com the parent comment was a completely different one.

And when looking at archive.is, the parent comment was still there in its original “beauty”!

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Naturally, other people probably saw even other post orders and comment texts, so they called me out for being crazy.

This is nefarious and the last straw for me. I deleted my account.

  • Dreeg Ocedam
    3 years ago

    Looks more like a bug to me. The comment has been deleted but cache issues make it display or something like that. Reddit is clearly not the highest quality of software out there.

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    • HelixOP
      3 years ago

      Good point. Let’s assume they have a 1:n relationship where 1 parent comment can have n sub-comments. Let’s also assume, since every comment has an ID, that they use this ID to map.

      So you have a table where you have a relationship of id1→id2. When you delete id1, only the text is deleted, not the id itself, or you’d fuck up the order. How on earth does the Reddit software think id3 is now the new parent of id2, when they’re in the same thread, but on totally different hierarchy levels?

      Should have stated that more clearly.