I think the idea of federated social media itself would have made fediverse sky rocket itself. bloggers tooters and video creators or any kind of internet user can connect with eachother here. but that hasn’t happened. not at least yet. so why?

what are the problems. or what things are missing on the fediverse that makes it still so unpopular?

  • Vegafjord eo
    33 years ago

    We need to recognize what the strength of federated services are. Instances are better regulated when small, therefore I believe that we should avoid bigger instances. We should instead have many smaller ones. These will encourage more intimate/ nuanced conversations. We should encourage instances that focus on something very niche. Juggling, manchester united, roblox, or whatever.

    Instances should not be general for the same reason why a webpage shouldn’t be general. Sure, your scope can be bigger with a general webpage, but when you can go to a website that is more specific, you are always going to pick the more specific one because you can find exactly what you are looking for.