Why does there seem to be a connection between vegan anarchism and anti-natalism? The idea of anti-natalism makes me incredibly depressed, and I do not agree with it, but I’m open to commentary and debate.

  • @free_appalachia@lemmy.ml
    33 years ago

    Saying that we need to tiptoe around these issues over things I’ve never heard a single vegan advocate seems silly. I’m mostly just frustrated at the expectation especially in leftist circles that vegans shut up and submit to ridiculous scrutiny based on things no vegan would ever advocate is absurd. If anything I think we could be a bit more aggressivevwith education, particularly in combating these absurd ideas. Like you said we don’t really need to worry about right wing extremist vegans, at least not until they become a thing. Otherwise its just trying to frame vegan ideology as that for some other reason. I think there are probably anti-natalists that are eugenicists and so that makes more sense, but you can be anyi-eugenics and anti-natalist and again the answer isn’t tiptoeing, its educating on the difference. We spend too much time back tracking based on things none of us are advocating.