• Soviet Pigeon
    3 months ago

    This is about anime drawings with a necrophilic context. This isn’t about pedophilia at all, so put your straw man back in its place. As such, I will ignore any reference you make to it because it has nothing to do with the topic.

    You haven’t given me any reason why goru can’t be art. Except that you don’t like it and people masturbate to it. Is the latter enough of a reason for it not to be art? Would it be art if people wouldn’t masturbate to it? Is it because it is in the anime art style?

    Is the the cover from Cannibal Corpse album Tomb of the Mutilated art or not art or does it depend if someone masturbates to it? I was told that it was not art because it would offend the sense of shame and was morally wrong (long time ago it really happened). Why shouldn’t fetish art be art? The art in fetish art stands for what?

    Moral judgments of a large group have to be taken into account. But you do realize that moral judgments on a certain topic vary completely depending on the cultural context? Morality as a basis for what is or is not art is an absolutely wrong point of view. You could just as easily say that it is not art because it is haram. It has the same meaning.

    Morality is always changing, is subject to regional and cultural differences and is above all one thing: class morality.

    While I cant tell you, where the line should be, what is art or not - For this I need to delve much deeper into this topic to be able to tell you where the line lies. But it definitly shouldnt be decides by morality. Just think what was moral wrong 100 years ago. Or even 600 years ago.

    You haven’t mentioned it, but I would like to emphasize once again that it would be wrong to declare something illegal based on it.