Mine is Neptune

  • @Magos_Galactose
    31 year ago

    Aside from Earth? Probably Jupiter.

    I used to tried to write my own science fiction, so some of my perception came from there. Jupiter is a rather…interesting place. To named a few reasons :

    • Stupidly strong radiation belt, the kind of which made Van Allen belt look like a tiny flashlight. Bad for colonization, but theoretically can be tapped to generate practically unlimited energy for whatever infrastructure you placed there. Since the rule of potential future space colonization is that “matter is cheap, energy is expensive”, this is actually great. The main downside is you’ll need tons of radiation shielding, but that’s simpler than life support system necessary for such.

    • With the exception of Saturn’s Titan, Jupiter has the most interesting systems of satellite in the solar system. The four Galilean moons alone are treasure tropes for a lot of scifi writer.

    • The coloration. Just…beautiful.