According to JPWeiland’s twitter account:

🔸270,000 new infections/day 🔸~2.75 avg total infections per capita across the US 🔸1 in every 124 people currently infected

This is considered low? lol, we’re fucked.

Covid wastewater levels where I am dropped to the lowest recorded since they started keeping track just about a year ago, and still we had a couple people get covid where I work last week, so it’s still going around depsite that. Your town may vary. Still, it seems like it will be a little less precarious for the next couple months for what that is worth.

  • Ivysaur
    3 months ago

    Until the behavior of people/society changes I am assuming the worst in perpetuity. The powers that be have clearly shown they have no problem underreporting or flat out not reporting cases at all; death certificates are fudged to not list Covid as a reason by the same medical staff who tell me I shouldn’t care while they cough up a lung and the second elderly person in the ER lobby vomits on the floor that night. I have no reason to trust anything anyone says about this that isn’t all hands on deck right the fuck now until the widespread acceptance & adoption of methodology I know to work to prevent the spread of airborne disease: wearing respirators and air filtration in closed spaces, and/or staying home when sick. So far, none of that has happened, and we continue doing the complete opposite of those things- until that time, frankly, regardless of what easily manipulated data says, I’m good.