

you're not dressed according to the current fashion

[down left corner]

He should ideally be working or studying,

But he wastes the time showing off his clothes.

For a narrow mind

The limit of imagination and dreams is a "brand".
    93 years ago

    He should ideally be working or studying,

    That sounds like something my dad would say. Not very convincing.

    I remember recently reading a headline about Chinese youth getting disillusioned by American media. I feel this approach would be a lot more resilient.

    • @k_o_t@lemmy.mlOP
      103 years ago

      this is a soviet poster lol

      they did have a fucked up work culture in many ways, and this is not intended as a modern piece of art to discourage consumption, brand loyalty etc, i only posted it for it’s historical significance :)

        23 years ago

        Yeah I understand. I just wanted to say that it is not a good way to dispell the propaganda of capitalist countries as a bottomless well of cool things.