It basically flared up recently idk what to say.

  • lorty
    3 months ago

    The “anti-woke” crowd has been brewing hate for pretty much every single game that has come out in the last 5 years that doesnt adhere perfectly to their ever moving standards. Groups centered around hate eventually have to lash out at some scapegoat.

    The sweet baby inc company itself isn’t something worth defending. They are what a bankrupt system spawns when it wants to pretend to care about morals and minorities. Strangely enough, for the kind of company it is, this would probably not have become gamergate 2 if they had given their employees some social media training or flat out told them to not engage.

    Either way, due to how it’s been framed as an anti-woke crusade from the beginning, I don’t expect it to go anywhere. The original gamergate had that surface “concerns about ethics in gaming journalism” that dragged ignorant people into it, but it won’t happen here.