Sam Kerr go on Chapo/Trueanon/Cumtown etc etc


  • Amerikan Pharaoh
    6 months ago

    I don’t give a fuck about ‘kneejerk reactions’ out of the crackers. Their entire history, from the past 24 years all the way back to the Mayflower’s landing has been a series of ‘kneejerk reactions’ tailor-made to do nothing but keep them on top of the pecking order, regardless of whose or how much blood had to be shed to keep it. Every time a Black ‘life’ gets turned into a Black ‘body’, a chalk outline, and a news chyron on CNN anymore, it’s because some cracker-assed settler pig ‘feared for their life’, knee-jerked, and put a bullet in them. Cracker politics, cracker policing, cracker life is a series of kneejerks. You even proved my point five minutes after I posted this!

    And if they end up radicalized to reaction, then oh well; I look forward to sighting them down and packing them up when it all finally pops off. ‘Reaction’ is the natural state of the settler devil; and it is sincerely and emphatically not my fucking problem or calling to coddle the feelings of trickmade oppressor devils who can’t EVER be trusted to do right by those they historically wronged. I don’t give the first fuck about a cracker’s feelings anymore; and if they REALLY gave a damn the way you think they do, they’d be investigating the ‘why’ as to why that is and making moves to rectify the frankly irreparable divide between the Two Amerikas that exists now.

    If settler devils were capable of being salvaged, it’d have been done ten years ago if not longer. We see where we’re at now. They’ll never stop setting time-tables on our freedom, they are the enemy. Your punk ass would have us walk on eggshells around those who oppress us for anything even HALFWAY resembling our freedom.