1. seperate fediverse community for projects?

remember a while ago when I asked ideas to grow the fediverse users? well I have plenty of smaller projects ready in my drafts. I thought of making another community for fediverse projects is a good idea since some user said /c/fediverse was a catch-all-bin for fediverse content.

this’ll be for my smaller projects related to the fediverse, but no one else will probably use it except me lol. so what do you think, should I make this community or just post them in /c/fediverse?

You know, probably if I do something people will try to do stuff too. I hope

right now I’m in the process of making my personal website, so I’ll probably do these when I already have my own source of income or if I wait a bit until next month.

  1. the functions I wish to achieve with my projects; (without spoilers or context)

-marketing the features of decentralization.

-making the noise.

-populating the fediverse with content creators.

  1. social media vs fediverse, and fediverse’s “strength”

the thing about being on the fediverse is It’s not as effective as using social media like twitter and instagram. It’ll have to be interesting enough for more people to come in. I like to think “what if fediverse was this, what if it was that.”

if you think about it, we have something unique to give to people. decentralization itself, connecting different kinds of platforms into one big network is something new and exciting. the logo speaks for itself.

maybe in the future we could design a game with federation involved;

  1. Concept - FSARRPG (Federated Social Alternate-Reality Role Playing Game)

social media shouldn’t be limited to personal life and stuff, games are also social, why not make it a fediverse platform.

will use the federation to connect all servers to create location based anomalies, create politics, and other stuff. the servers will (optionally) act like guilds. maybe <self insert> cryptocurrency to make it competitive.

with huge network of computers, the devs can create one super computer AI to decide what happens in this alternate world.

  1. interesting ideas other users have;

-Newspaper written by people, not corporation - A possible way to revive newspapers and newswriting

-submissions for July 5th special episode of Cooperatives and Journalism

  • Metawish
    43 years ago

    On point 5, I read that article that the comment links to! It’s focused more on local papers and news and does point out a majority of papers that folded were weeklies and hobby magazines, not so much daily news tho those in rural areas did fold too.

    I’d think we’d need to find the nonprofit news digital papers already and try to team up and support, or offer something not already seen. Personally I still haven’t found the international news I would like to see, and if anything that could be cool…users write articles in their own language and other translate it to their language. So someone in India for example writing about the farmers protests can get it translated for an international audience.

    • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      offer something not already seen

      I would like to see news articles post more unconventional stuff, maybe news about the creatures in the forest or bigfoot. or a missing person in a school trip. mystery stuff. what news articles shouldn’t be is being limited to politics.

      since It’s also for local events, It’s also cool to see what just happen to the world close to where you are. if you can set your location to your city/region and see what’s happening there. I could imagine going outside more because of this. since It’s easier to find interesting stuff around you.

      • Metawish
        23 years ago

        the local events thing and talking about news makes me think of Facebook’s attempt to make local news feeds for users. It failed since there really are news deserts out there, as in there are no sources of news, political or otherwise.

        Your comment also made me think of Mobilizon I think it’s called. The federated meet up site? Deliver local news via events from there; host event then someone writes up an article based on it.

        But you’re right, news isn’t just politics! At the news station I work at we report on lots of nonpolitical and noncriminal things like cool art projects, events, and 100 year old birthdays!

        • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
          13 years ago

          Your comment also made me think of Mobilizon I think it’s called. The federated meet up site? Deliver local news via events from there; host event then someone writes up an article based on it.

          damn that is an out of date looking website, I think their idea is good but the execution is something else. we need a retouch on everything there. It’s not a news website though, more like an events?

          • Metawish
            23 years ago

            It really does need updates, but yeah it is an events website, but covering events can be an extention of it so you search for events before they happen, then after they happen, there is a feed covering what happened locally.

            • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
              3 years ago

              it needs to integrate maps in local news so I can know exactly where it happens. and also cool idea to have a kind of GPS focused social media. it’ll work flawless as an phone app and for walking around in a city