Hi fellow comrades, I’m not you, but I often dream of the end of the COVID19, and people jusr learned and decided to riot, create union, try to make a better society. I’m a french fellow, and I got the impression that this b*tch Macron made everything wrong, this time the capitalist pigs will see the people anger! Is it just dream? AM I naiv?

  • poVoq
    63 years ago

    Haha, what a dumpster fire here in the comments ;)

    Let me add some fuel to it: What makes you think Covid-19 will stop? There will likely be one mutation after the other, with the rich part of the world getting an updated vaccine every 12 months or so…

    • @WuxinGoat@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      totally agree with you, people who expect an end to this are in for a shock. plus we should expect more frequent pandemics due to deforestation driving species closer together. we’ll need to learn survive and operate on this terrain.