I feel there is very little we can do individually to change people’s minds or turn them away from fascism, or even to get them to stop turning their own brains into soup, but you can still show them there are consequences to their actions.

Telling my own friends / relations what I think of them and cutting ties with them has done nothing to bring them back in line with normal human values, but at least I am not burdened with the guilt of my association, and maybe one day enough people will cut them off that the loneliness gets to them and they begin to re-evaluate their lives.

It is literally the least I can do. Any sadness I felt was heartbreak that they could be so shitty to begin with.

  • sweeney
    9 months ago

    I agree. I cut out most of my family and I’m way better off for it. Politics wasn’t the main reason for most of them but I think their shittiness goes hand in hand with their awful politics. Maybe they wouldn’t be such foul, abusive shitdemons if they didn’t hold such abusive worldviews and hatred in their hearts. If someone is always dragging you down, trying to make you miserable, wanting you to be cruel like them, then fuck them! It’s a cold world and life is too short to be wasting time on people like that.