• Kras Mazov
    8 months ago

    I haven’t finished Fisher-man island yet, I’m still on the middle of the big fight just after the Kraken joined, but I don’t think Hodi Jones is supposed to be a representation of Malcolm X, I think Fisher Tiger was. Tiger and the queen both wanted and fought against the racism and prejudice their people faced, one with violence and the other pacifically through the system. Tiger even died young, before being able to fully develop his ideology and his fight like Malcolm.

    The two big criticism I have is that the sole existence of the royal family is never questioned, not even by the queen, even tho Oda clearly understands systemic oppression hinting towards it constantly, and having Hodi kill the queen is just lazy writing that undermines the true weight this arc would have had in my opinion. She should have been killed by a human contracted by either the world government or the celestial dragon they saved to show that true change won’t come from the system, despite your best efforts and intentions.