I fucking hate thanksgiving, I hate the history behind it, I hate how people act, I hate what it promotes, I’m am going to do something at my family’s thanksgiving this year and I need ideas people. I want to make everyone as uncomfortable as possible, like how uncomfortable I feel whenever some chud in my family decides to rant about the gays or the blacks, im fucking done tolerating this shitty holiday and pretending like family matters at all in any context by giving a giant FU to everyone there. My experience ain’t unique here, all of us amerikkkans have experienced actual fucking pain during thanksgiving.

Is there something leftists could collectively do online to show solidarity against this stupid holiday, what should I do to make everyone go home early without eating the food? I don’t plan on ever getting invited to one of these things again so let me hear your best ideas. My plan as it is now is to sabotage the cooking, turn off the oven, drop the turkey on the floor, maybe flip a table. Once the food is ruined I’ll probably yell some anti colonial slogan that’s along the lines of “none of you deserve to live” before making a quick exit and hopefully not getting arrested. I want to be as malicious as possible, I have very few threads left to my natal family and severing them seems a necessary step to becoming a better communist.

  • toomanyjoints69
    11 months ago

    I found a neat podcast that might have some inspirational ideas for you.


    A much better use of your time is doing activism. All of the effort you are currently putting into irl activism just double it instead of draining your stamina.

    Destroying a klan meeting is worthwhile, but its destructive. When it comes to the kind of low level activism you will be doing, constructive is better.

    If you are out of ideas, then go down to a homeless camp and smoke cigarrettes with them. Ask them about their experiences. Take time to listen to them instead of telling them your problems. Think about how to use that information for your upcoming activism explosion around thanksgiving.